It is Thursday, December 28 [04:30 GMT] I just woke up from a dream, or was it another revelation? In the dream, I heard my grandma saying: Is that God coming? And then I turned to look up and I saw the clouds forming some thing really beautiful and I can’t even describe it and as it moved, I saw a man in it and as he passed by me, he seemed to be very angry at me. I knelt and prayed,” Father please forgive me” immediately I heard someone laugh at me saying,” He’s now praying asking for forgiveness.” I don’t think it was just me the man seemed to be angry at but I and the world Then I saw myself in a place, the setting looked like my campus and the people there seemed to be like my mates from campus but I don’t recall any specific person and I asked them whether they’ve seen the videos online about Jesus Christ’s second coming and they said yes. I then told them that whatever it is that they’re doing whether they’re still in their sin or not, everyone’s time is up now and then fr...
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